Jan 25, 2014
Should I Get LASIK? Yes!

“Should I get LASIK?” This is a question that everyone who eventually decides to get the procedure at one point asks. The reasons why you should are not only numerous but also compelling.

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Jan 13, 2014
The Evolution of Optometry: A Quick Look at History

Optometry has a substantial history: In 1263, Roger Bacon first mentioned lenses as “useful for those with a weakness of sight”. By 1286, the first rudimentary pair of glasses had been created. Yet it was the twentieth century that saw the greatest advancements; in approximately 100 years, the rapid evolution of optometry yielded a number of critical developments in eye health. Here is a quick look at some of the most interesting.

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Jan 10, 2014
Visions of Flight: Pilot License Requirements

There are few things more liberating than taking control of an aircraft. What seemed insurmountable on solid earth is suddenly no more than an inconvenience; trips are shorter, views are better, and it is as though the sky belongs to you alone.

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Dec 24, 2013
Severe Myopia is not a Party

Last summer, I ended up at a barbecue in an unfamiliar city by invitation of a friend of a friend. I had, at the time, severe myopia (nearsightedness)—I could see objects clearly only within a couple of feet; beyond that, my vision became progressively worse. My contacts were irritating my eyes, so I decided to play it safe and wear glasses.

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Dec 11, 2013
20/20 Vision: What’s the Big Deal?

You have probably used the expression “20/20 vision” in everyday conversation, heard it on television, and seen it as a requirement for specific jobs, such as pilot or police officer. The concept is closely identified with what many consider perfect vision, so what’s the big deal?

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