People who live an active lifestyle are often searching for an alternative to contact lenses. Contacts offer many benefits over glasses, but have many shortcomings of their own.
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Most people don’t realize the importance of properly fitting contact lenses. As the name suggests, the whole point of contact lenses is for them to contact your eyes—which brings some inherent risks compared to standard glasses.
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Contact lenses definitely have some benefits over wearing eyeglasses, unfortunately, wearing contact lenses comes with a relatively common and sometimes dangerous side effect; contact lens intolerance. Contact lens intolerance—also known as CLI is a catch-all term for people who are no longer able to apply a lens to their eyes without pain.
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Driving at night can be an extremely dangerous activity, especially when factors such as inclement weather, a tired driver, or a driver’s less-than-perfect vision are taken into account. However, there are many things drivers can do to make nighttime driving safer.
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Eye floaters are little specks or strands that appear to move across the eye. They are extremely common, especially as people age; according to the Harvard Health Blog, about two-thirds of people develop floaters by the time they are 80 years old. For most people, floaters are harmless.
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