How to prepare for your consultation

Before attending your (in-clinic or virtual) pre-operative assessment, there are some simple steps below to follow which will help to ensure a successful pre-operative exam. Please complete the Patient Information Sheet (sent in your appointment confirmation email) ahead of your appointment.

For in-clinic consultations:

  • If you wear contact lenses, please consult the Contact Lens Policy to determine the minimum length of time contact lenses must be removed before the consultation.
  • A dilation of the pupils may be performed. Because of this, eyes may be sensitive to light. Please bring a pair of sunglasses with you to the appointment. Dilation may also result in blurred vision, particularly for near work, for 4 – 6 hours afterwards. Please note that the medication used to dilate the pupils is not recommended for use in pregnancy.* 
    *If you are pregnant, you are not eligible for vision correction surgery. You can book your pre-operative consultation during pregnancy, but we will schedule your procedure for a date after you’ve given birth.
  • For your comfort and in consideration of other patients, please do not bring your children to the clinic.
  • You may not be able to return to work after the evaluation.

Please be advised that an in-clinic pre-operative consultation will take, on average, 90 minutes to complete and a virtual consultation will last approximately 30 minutes.


For Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking (CXL):

  • Bring your contact lenses to the appointment; testing will be done to assess what your vision is like with contact lenses.
  • Please expect to spend two to three hours at the clinic on the day of your pre-operative consultation.
  • You are entitled to have a pre-operative evaluation with your own eye care professional, at your expense. However, should you choose to have a pre-operative evaluation with your own doctor, you are still required to have a complete pre-operative assessment at our centre before surgery.


Not sure if you're a candidate for LASIK? Book your FREE, no-obligation consultation today.