Apr 17, 2015
How strong are hockey visors?

Considering everything we know today about concussions and facial injuries, the fact that hockey players used to skate around without any kind of head protection seems like a piece of fiction. Concussions were just “getting your bell rung” and severe cuts to the face and head were badges of honor for goalies like Terry Sawchuk.

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Mar 24, 2015
What Can You Do After LASIK Surgery?

You finally got the LASIK surgery you’ve always wanted—so, what happens now? After LASIK, your vision immediately improves. The whole recovery process is quick as well. If you work at a job where the risk of eye injury is low, you can probably return to work the next day. You can even fly in an airplane within a day—just make sure to keep your eyes lubricated to protect them from the dry air of the plane.

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Mar 20, 2015
Are state-of-the-art computer screens hurting your eyes?

Technology is supposed to make life easier, and for the most part it does. However, not every form of cutting-edge technology can be as effective, and while it seems that everyone and their mother has a smartphone or tablet these days, the jury is still out on whether these devices are bad for your eyes. 

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Mar 20, 2015
4 vision myths that aren’t all bunk

Even though your eyesight is probably your most important sense in everyday life, there’s a startling amount of misinformation surrounding what makes good vision. Some believe that it’s all genetic and your actions don’t impact your eyesight, while others proclaim that shoveling down carrots before, during and after meals gives them night vision like a cat.

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Mar 20, 2015
How does eye colour work?

It’s often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but it’s not often that windows come in a variety of mesmerizing colours. But what’s really going on in the body to produce such wildly differing eye colours? 

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